On the 11th January The co-production team began the work to reinterpret the ceramics exhibition in the Derby Museum cafe. The team, led by Andrea H-J, had been collecting feedback on the display for a while, both via Twitter and in person from Project Labs and general feedback left in the cafe. As the work…
A great start to 2016.
So I cleared out the house this weekend. Mark and Mylo exited, leaving me with 12 months of accumulated crud to tackle, with a huge side helping of Christmas presents and and holiday icing dirt to finish. What an appealing prospect. Well, from the point of view of being an autie it was. One of…
OMG: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
So I feel about twelve years old at the moment. Just got back from watching the latest Star Wars movie and it was totally amazing. The writers have managed to fit three movie’s worth of references into one feature film. There was patricide (down a bloody deep shaft) comedy, wobbly musicians, a new improved R2D2…
Wrapping with Jane Bevan
I spent a second day working with Jane, this time focusing on cutting and fringing using some beautiful exotic bark acquired Jane from a nursery. I also spent some time with Jane and Andrea as they began to curate the vessels created for the Inspired by Nature gallery installation. The space is partially constructed and…
Binding with Jane Bevan
Today I sat and worked in the Inspired by Nature gallery with artist jane Bevan whilst she started creating her commission for the space. The conversation was exciting and creative. I revisited some of the ideas that I began to develop during my Foundation Course and and applied them to the materials that Jane had…
New Skills – Nature Sculpt, Vinyl Cutting and Laser Cutting
I’ve been keeping my eyes open for opportunities to try out new skills and reignite my interest in older ones. When I was at secondary school and college much of the work that I did was tangible; drawing, print making, fashion designing and sewing, textiles. Since I graduated I have worked increasingly in digital and virtual….
MA Museum Studies Students Visit DMAG
On the 17th November the latest cohort of MA Museum Studies students from Nottingham Trent University visited Derby Museum to meet with Andrea H-J and learn more about the museum’s approach to collaborative project development and the reimagining of the ‘Notice Nature’ gallery. The students experience had been broken down into a number of tasks:…
Derby Local Offer event
I attended the Derby Local Offer event at Derby QUAD last Friday. It hosted a number of organisations who work with young people (read up the the age of 25), who have disabilities and other additional needs. I went in a number of roles. Firstly to see if there was anything relevant for the Autism…
Volunteering for Derby Museums – first impressions.
So a brief conversation on twitter about Aves, the music @DMNature gallery had commissioned for their natural history spaced turned into a fully fledged volunteer opportunity working within the co-production team. My main contact is Andrea Hadley-Johnson, the Co-Production Manager who is an amazing arts and culture professional who was the Head of Display at…
Weekly Round-up 5/11/15
This is what I have been doing / reading / loving this week: 1.) Silent Signals is a collaboration between University of the Arts London, Derby University and the Derby QUAD. It ‘s aim is to develop the intersection between science and art through collaboration between specialists in these fields. A symposium has been planned…