In 2019 I have made retreat several times, including in May when I attended a mindfulness weekend, which I blogged about previously.
Although it was not as successful as I had hoped, one of the most positive things to come out was me meeting Catherine Booker, a beautiful and very talented woman who creates wonderful images. Catherine and I have struck up a relationship (I hesitate to call it a friendship at the moment) based upon some shared spiritual experiences we are talking about together. We have only just started this process and I am keen not to apply labels to something that is, as of yet, still embryonic in its form.
Catherine was kind enough to send me some images she had taken of the wonderful wildlife around the Taraloka Centre. They capture both the beauty of the natural setting, a large part of the reason I visit, but also her talent.
If you’d like to see more of Catherine’s photography please visit her Facebook page.